Walt Disney’s Tomorrowland and the Mars Month

After listening to Julio and Matt on the Interplanetary podcast talk about Werner Von Braun and Disney’s Tomorrowland series, I had to check them out. In the end I watched these four and had to share – Quite literally amazing utopian/dystopian slightly shady 50’s documentaries aimed at kids. Really awesome and a great window into how much was known about space, man and space travel, but never really losing the air of propaganda. Our friend the Atom – really interesting, slightly menacing and towards the end? Worrying. Just as a heads up, ‘Atom‘ is not a part of the space series – the other three are.

The entire Mars month Interplanetary Podcast Series is well worth checking out; particularly in light of the recent lander and Ingenuity’s first flight. Check out https://www.interplanetary.org.uk/post/228-chris-welch-mars-month-3-human-missions

For a deep dive here’s the whole Mars month episodes;

Man and the Moon

Mars and beyond


Our friend the atom

Man in space

Really good link for an overview on the series. https://www.slashfilm.com/mars-and-beyond/

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