Harper Goff (March 16, 1911 – March 3, 1993), born Ralph Harper Goff, was an American artist, musician, and actor. For many years, he was associated with The Walt Disney Company, in the process of which he contributed to various major films, as well as to the planning of the Disney theme parks. During World War II, he was also an advisor to the U.S. Army on camouflage (Blechman 2004; Behrens 2009). He is specifically credited with many of the finest inventive effects in Disney’s groundbreaking live-action film, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, which he art-directed, even though the movie credit reads: “Production Developed By…” Goff designed the exterior of the Nautilus, along with sets for every compartment within the submarine. The film was awarded two Academy Awards, for color art direction and best special effects. At that time, in 1954, the Art Directors Union had created a bylaw within the Academy of Motion Pictures, which stated that only union art directors could win the award. The Academy gave the award for “Best Art Direction — Color 1954”, to Goff’s assistant, John Meehan, because he had a union card. Goff went on to get a union card, but was never given the award. Wikipedia
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